Sunday, January 18, 2009

So far snow is a no-show

For weeks now the weather man has been predicting snow for our area. I don't really happily anticipate harsh weather, but one must be prepared. With each report, I make sure that I stock up on lots of supplies for my kitchen, so that, God forbid, I don't starve to death if I can't get to the grocery store for a few days.

I buy all the usual things that people need to sustain themselves through a long, winter's hibernation: canned tuna, salmon, powdered milk, bagels (they freeze better than loaves) items to make soup, chocolate mix, cookies, frozen fudge bars, jelly beans (to avert a diabetic coma)and, of course, chips and dips. So the snow is imminent, and it is making me fatter by the day! It is a sin to allow food to go to waste, so, ultimately, it goes to WAIST!!

Why don't they stop trying to tell us days in advance that we are going to be stuck in our homes, and let the chips (multi-grain, of course) fall where they may? It wouldn't hurt any of us if we had to spend some time rationing what we have on hand, and, maybe, dropping a few pounds in the meantime! It seems the only way I will ever slim down is by enforced dieting......pretending I live in some third-world country where food is not so readily available as it is here at home. When I think of what others in this world have had to suffer through, it makes me very ashamed.

However, I have become accustomed to my snacks. Pretzels with Nancy Grace. Veggie dip and crackers with Dateline. And don['t forget good ole diet Jello (with sour cream).

Let one snowflake fall on our heads and everyone panics. There is no hope for me. I can panic along with the best of 'em. The time I go into my genuine panic mode is when I have a doctor's appointment looming on the far horizon, and I try to lose 20 pounds in a week. Never gonna happen. I fail to convince myself that there is no harm in snacking, in moderation, but my idea of moderation and the cardiologist's are two different things.

And so the vicious cycle keeps repeating and the weather man keeps predicting. Am I secretly hoping for a snowstorm to justify cake-baking, not only to "keep the house warm", but to use up that chocolate icing with the outdated "Sell by" stamp on the bottom of the can?

Look outside!! There are buds on the tree beneath my window!



  1. Remember the 1-2-3 cakes?
    Snow does not only make us fatter, but it tends to enhance fertility as well!

    Love YOU MIMI!!!
    We had company on Saturday night--I still have a tray full of cruedite--because we ate the fattening stuff first.

  2. I am so glad someone is reading my blog, and that it is YOU!!!!

    love you. going to take my pills now that it is ll a.m.!! So we get a little slow in our old age.
