Monday, January 5, 2009

Things I did in kindergarten

I always thought that by the time one gets to be an "old granny" like me (or, actually, "Mi-Mi") that childish things like cutting and pasting would be reserved for merely that............for CHILDHOOD.

Now I find that it is frequently necessary, having my own grown-up educational toy, my computer, that I am reduced to doing these childhood things once again. Of course, it is more fun these days, when Crayola and scissors have been replaced by keyboards and control keys.

We learn every day, even us old ---- er, I should say ---- "mature" people. How will I ever be able to write my great American novel, and edit, paste, revise, subtract, insert, etc. without the full command of cutting and pasting????????????

I don't really need the spell checking aspect of this Bill Gates plaything. because since the beginning of time there are few words that I cannot spell...............unless it is in Swahili or some such remote form of communication.

It seems that ever since my three children were tots there has been nothing on this earth with the power to intimidate, aggravate and, yet, entertain like my friendly little Compaq. So now that my brilliant granddaughter is taking off for Dubai for a "study abroad" program, the need for having my own blog has become an important way to keep in touch. A friend of mine tells me, "Good, Samantha will come back speaking fluent Italian".

So we're not all geniuses at geography.

That's all for now. I just came across my bottle of Elmer's Glue, which I shall promptly toss out as I see no need for antiquated items cluttering up my office.


  1. hahaha. you're too clever! glad to know you think i'm brilliant! :P

  2. glad you liked it. i KNOW you're brilliant.

    runs in the family
